Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 07 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   7 - Q to Quit":
   6 h;"Page ";a/h
   6        THEN PRESS ANY KEY       
   3 USE LIST 2
   3 ;"SCORE=";s;" SLOPE=";sl;" SKI SETS=";l
   3 ;"COLLECT"
   3 ;" STOP THE TAPE "
   3 ,O;"GAMBLE";
   2 PRESTEL6  
   2 PRESTEL5  
   2 PRESTEL4  
   2 PRESTEL3  
   2 PRESTEL2  
   2 PRESTEL1  
   2 ;"NUDGES: "
   2 ;" START THE TAPE":
   2 ;" ";A;" ":
   2 ,q;"     "
   2 *A;"HOLD":
   1 yyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzGGG
   1 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyGGG
   1 to go on to the next slope."''
   1 t is freeto Micronet subscribers. Some ofthe free stuff is very good too,but the 
   1 skiing    
   1 reviews1  9
   1 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpprrrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrrrpprrrGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGGGGBBBBWWBBBBGGGGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGGGBBBBBWWBBBBBGGGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGBBrrbbbggbbbrrBBGGGGrrrpprrrGGGGBUUUeeooohheUUUBGGGGrrrpprrrrrrrr]]]]]oooo]]]]]rrrrrrrrpprrrrrrrr______________rrrrrrrrpprrrrrrrr______________rrrrrrrrp`eeeeeeee______________eeeeeeee``eeeeeeee______________eeeeeeee``eeeeeeee______________eeeeeeee``eeeGGGGG______________GGGGGeee``eeeGGGGG______________GGGGGeee``eeeGGGGG]]__________]]GGGGGeee``eeeEEEEE]]]]]]]]]]]]]]EEEEEeee``eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee`````````````````````````````````
   1 ons.       So that I don't get lost, I   shall concentrat
   1 n;"          
   1 h;"NEWSFLASH"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 h;"MICROMOUSE";''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 h;"MICROGNOME";''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 h;"HEARTSEARCH";''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 h;"  HOTLIPS"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 explodes  r
   1 cover$    
   1 cover     
   1 bandit 3  
   1 bandit 2  
   1 bandit    
   1 M$=M$+".0"
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 >>>>>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::
   1 <:::<"::<<":<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:::::22::22:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;8888888888888888>>>>>>>>>>
   1 ;"`   .  "
   1 ;"TOTAL  ";
   1 ;"PLEASE WAIT";
   1 ;"NUDGES:";N:
   1 ;"NUDGES:";N
   1 ;"NEW HIGH SCORE!!":
   1 ;"LET TAPE RUN "
   1 ;"Insecurity Complex":
   1 ;"HIGH SCORE=";hi;" by ";d$
   1 ;"GAMBLE";
   1 ;"COLLECT";
   1 ;"BANDIT is loading";
   1 ;"BANDIT by A.Flinn"
   1 ;"1, 2, or 3 to Hold - C to Cancel"
   1 ;" You have `1 to start off with":
   1 ;" START THE TAPE "
   1 ;" S to START "
   1 ;" LOSE ":
   1 ;" LOADING "
   1 ;" 27 WAYS   "
   1 ;" 1,2,or 3 to Nudge- X to Cancel"
   1 ;"   STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY    ";
   1 ;"   Press P for a printout, or"
   1 ;"   G to Gamble - C to Collect   "
   1 ;"         ":
   1 ;"                      ":
   1 ;"        
   1 ::::::::::::::::
   1 88((8<8888((<
   1 0her Databasesusing the same standard (ther
   1 ...........
   1 ''''" Q to Quit - Any to Play Again"
   1 ''''"  You have lost all your money"'''" Press Q to Quit or any to play"
   1 ''''"    Wizard Prang Presents-"''''"   The EXPLODING SCREEN WIPE"''"  Amaze your friends- Confound  your enemies- Perplex your psy- chiatrist with Prang's latest   easy-to-steal M/code zap, (for  private theft only, not to be   resold!)"''" Press a key to explode the page"
   1 ''"  Press 'S' to SAVE the code,     Or 'W' to wipe again,           Or 'M' for the next article"
   1 ''"     PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY "
   1 '"Dodge the logs 
   1 "you could use it to send us one of BT's nice birthday cards.      If you are not on, you might  want to know some details. The  Prism VTX5000 costs about `100. If you don't have one of BT's   new style phone jacks, it will  cost about `25 pounds to put in.  That is all you need to pay,  for hardware. The subscriptions"
   1 "wipe code"
   1 "vailable at power-up. It is veryeasy to use, with facilities forsaving and printing Prestel pag-es, downloading software, and   preparing mailbox messages off- line, and all menu driven. It   makes the Spectrum one of the   cheapest and simplest ways to"
   1 "using rodent with a nice line inhelp files and revelations.       So that I don't get lost, I   shall concentrate on the Micro- computer interest in the rest ofthis review, but don't forget   that there is much more on tap.": 
   1 "time on the free pages, and pro-vided you move about by menu se-lections, you always get advancewarning of costly pages, but be-ware of direct page no. entry.  Cancer Research did rather well out of one 'try page x!' notice!":
   1 "tape can be put on another. Theyhave tried hard, too, and are   losing much more to piracy than the software producers."'"  At this point the MOD steps into confiscate a recording systemfor which quite shattering " 
   1 "reviews1"
   1 "piracy is a sickness. Of course it goes on and it is certainly  wrong, but a `200 schoolboy col-lection of pirated games doesn'trepresent `200 lost sales. Wherewould he have got `200 from if  he hadn't been able to pirate?"
   1 "of a cassette port is already   putting software houses off the QL. The microdrives may be pro- tectable, but the media is rare and costly. So what is left?      Break-proofing is a bit of a  joke on cassette software, but  it helps a bit, as tape-to-tape"
   1 "not remove the current items,   and you can travel backwards in time through the earlier news   like a newspaper's archives. Thesame applies to the letters, nowupdated twice a week by popular demand."
   1 "non-subcribers can use to get into the free software on Micronet(the 'nets routing management   being somewhat flaky at best).    Viewfax, and to a lesser ex-  tent Micronet, give more space  to Acorn computers than the sizeof their user base can justify.":
   1 "ity interest on what started outas a service providing city newsand information for travel agen-cies (still a major threat!).     There are supposed to be hund-dreds of thousands of pages on  Prestel, even Telecom probably": 
   1 "it takes if you make it clear   that you are a powerful and in- fluencial magazine editor pre-  pared to give them a black eye, who knows how long the peasants have to wait)."
   1 "fair, the one person I have spo-ken to who claims to have seen  this particular scheme in actionwas completely convinced, but sowhat? If it works, we won't get it back. If we do get it back,  then it doesn't work."
   1 "explodes"
   1 "easily avoided by calling after 6 PM etc., but will cost you 5p per minute otherwise."'"  Some pages also cost from 1p  to 50p just to look at them, butthat is optional, too. This all goes on your phone bill, and theitem which will end up costing  most is the phone time itself."
   1 "don't know how many, as new ser-vices join weekly, such as the  home banking service, Homelink, and the shopping based Club 403.These, like Micronet, have some public pages but are mostly re- stricted to their own members."
   1 "copying only works up to about  the third generation. That is,  a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy probably won't work, due toaccumulated noise. Most break-  proofs also incorporate tricks  to foil the 'cloning' programs."
   1 "claims have been made. If the   military are interested, it mustbe the business, right?  Well,  no, they would snatch any patentapplication in which the words  'data encryption' appear withouttrying it out first. We may knowtheir opinion by 1990. To be"
   1 "bulletin boards for penpals,    hobbies, and clubs. Computer in-terest areas also have small adssections where you can place no-tices to buy and sell, or just acry for help in the dungeon."
   1 "bandit 3"
   1 "bandit 2"
   1 "are `20 per year for Prestel and`32 more for Micronet (optional)plus time charges if you call upduring office hours. These are":
   1 "and Viewfax have stopped allow- ing small ads even for software 'originals' due to fears that   people are selling the originalsafter making a copy to keep. I  reckon they've been got at. Thisobsession with sales lost to "
   1 "accused had to post up to ten   thousand pounds bail in order toawait the court's decision on   this subject without suffering  the concomitant imposition of   official hospitality in the in- terim."
   1 "access Prestel, and it won't be long before Micronet's 7000 odd members are overwhelmed by, say,1% of a million Spectrum users.":
   1 "What is your name?";d$
   1 "This is because the Beeb's comp-uter got it's modem first. This imbalance is rapidly being put  right as the Spectrum users taketheir rightful place at the top.  Early Beeb modems were acous- tically coupled and hence prone to interference. The Spectrum's Prism modem is direct coupled   with the software in ROM and a-"
   1 "PRESTEL6"
   1 "PRESTEL5"
   1 "PRESTEL4"
   1 "PRESTEL3"
   1 "PRESTEL2"
   1 "PRESTEL1"
   1 "Mailbox. This is only available on the London computer at the   moment, which is an expensive   phone call for us country folk, but by the end of 1984 the localPrestel computers should be set up to forward your Mailboxes to other users nationwide."
   1 "And never mind the stories of 16year old millionaires. Would yourather that Boy George got your money? Spectrum software is verycheap compared to that for many other computers. We owe it to   ourselves to stay honest with   the people who produce it."
   1 "8";"ALADDIN'S CAVE"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 "1001, together."'"  For those who would rather useit as a piece of code, you can  SAVE it now by pressing 'S'. Thecode is relocatable and will runin any address, and is just 84  bytes long (considerably shorterthan this sentence)."
   1 " Gambling again    ""poker""       Software reviews  ""reviews2""    Letters from...   ""glasgow""        And...         ""e,lothian""   Hacker's Hangout  ""hack"""
   1 " Editorial         next page     One armed         ""bandit""      Prestel Reviews   ""reviews1""    Wizard Prang      ""explodes""    Sam goes          ""skiing"""
   1 "  You may wonder why you would  buy here rather than downtown.  Well, it's cheaper and almost   instant, and there is a good se-lection. Dktronics, Bug-Byte,   Anirog, CDS, even the Hobbit arestocked, and all at a pound or  more off shop prices."
   1 "  You can even get onto some of the amateur Bulletin Boards, as a few will now cope with the 75/1200 baud rate. Now if only one could get the phones to work...":
   1 "  Wups! What's this got to do   with computing? Well, it's greatfun to poke around in what ev-  eryone else is up to (in this   case, hanky-panky), and, while  those of us with stable rela-   tionships may regard Heartsearchwith amusement, there are other"
   1 "  Welcome to our seventh issue."
   1 "  Valentines are supposed to be anonymous, and this one goes onebetter, as we don't really know who it's to, either. 'Computing Today' is the senior magazine   around here and gets its name oneverything, but that is our box number too. If you're on Prestel"
   1 "  This magazine is made up of a number of articles and programs chained together in a manner    similar to the 'HORIZONS' tape  that came with your computer. Itwill not work with microdrives."
   1 "  This is where Prestel becomes exciting for me, because, vast  as it is, it will respond to youand you can contact the other   users who, invisibly, inhabit   the place with you. The numbers in the notices are not for phon-ing but for electronic mail, via": 
   1 "  This is free to you, but coststhe information provider 3p. As you are generally doing him a   service or ordering goods, it ischeap enough. You can also spendmoney without a response frame, by downloading software perhaps.":
   1 "  This is another feedback area,as users are invited to send in news stories of their own. I    check the news pages daily, of- ten reading about a new product launched days before Chris gets around to forwarding the press  invitation in my post!"
   1 "  The question of copyright as  it applies to software became anefficient generator of contro-  versy the moment that computers and their programs became consu-mer products. Perhaps this re-  flects on the nature of the con-sumer, but that's all of us."
   1 "  The easiest way to use it is  to go through the articles in   sequence, following the prompts.However, there is a table of    contents on the next page, for  those who wish to go straight toa particular article or program."
   1 "  The consensus of legal opinionis that the copyright acts will be found to apply to software   when someone finally persues theissue to a judgement. That's whyeveryone settles out of court asif it were already decided."
   1 "  The code is in a REM in LINE  1001 (not LINE 1, that's the    'stop tape' siren) and the ad-  dress is found in LINE 1000 by  PEEKING the system variable,    NXTLIN. If you don't know what  that's all about, forget it,    just use both lines, 1000 and"
   1 "  The VTX5000 can be used for   other things besides Prestel. Itwill link you to other Databasesusing the same standard (there  are some), and you can exchange data or programs over the phone with other VTX5000 users, thoughit is not covered in the manual."
   1 "  The Gnome is Viewfax's colum- nist, specializing in Acorn newsof the unofficial kind. We are  reproducing one of his more in- nocent screens as Acorn are sucha litigious bunch. The Gnome hasalso revealed page numbers which"
   1 "  Speaking of the QL and its    lack of a cassette port, I just saw Microdrives for sale in W.H.Smiths. 'Great', I thought, now I don't have to wait a month to get the cartridges from Sinclairby mail order (that's how long"
   1 "  Prestel has been slow to take off, in fact, some say it hasn'tstarted yet. However, the adventof the Prism VTX5000 modem for  the Spectrum may at last bring  the mass user base for which thesystem was originally conceived."
   1 "  Please note that some files   load in an unusual fashion, but they all auto-run and tell you  when to start and stop the tape."
   1 "  Other, more practical, methodsof stopping the copiers meet    with limited success, at least  as far as cassette software is  concerned. As the music businesshas already discovered, anythingthat can be put on one piece of"
   1 "  One of the great advantages ofnetting is the up-to-the-minute micro news. The net is ahead of all the mags, even the weeklies,and to symbolise this, I have   chosen an item I fully expect tobe still current by the time youread it!"
   1 "  On the other hand, the 'condi-tions of sale' appearing on manycassettes which prohibit resale or lending of the cassette you  have purchased would probably beconsidered unreasonable under   the relevant consumer protection"
   1 "  Of course, you use your own   cassette to save the program af-ter downloading, and you don't  get an insert, so it will look  like a pirated copy. This would make it hard to sell if you got tired of it, but both Micronet":
   1 "  Of course, you don't have to  buy software, some of it is freeto Micronet subscribers. Some ofthe free stuff is very good too,but the best costs, as always.  Downloading costs something in  phone time, too."
   1 "  Never mind that the producers are making money now, there's a shake-out coming. Never mind    that they are themselves accusedof ripping off board games and  arcade machines (and each other,and even our own Wizard Prang!)"
   1 "  Most of these opportunities totake part do not use Mailbox but'response frames', which are a- vailable on all the Prestel com-puters. A response frame is justa page that lets you write on itand then tranmits itself to the information provider concerned."
   1 "  Most of the 'Information Pro- viders' have a 'what's new' pagelisting their recent additions. On Micronet this includes new   software, letters and updates ofregular features. Updating does":
   1 "  Mind you, break-proofing does not keep everyone out. Our resi-dent wiz, Prang the Egregious,  has not yet found a single tape he can't get into, and lots of  people make a hobby of breaking and entering, just for fun."
   1 "  Micronet is not the only area of Prestel to be devoted to the micro. Viewfax is a similar sortof thing (eek! flying brickbats)but open to all, whereas Micro- net costs `8 a quarter on top ofPrestel's `5 subscription."
   1 "  Micronet is just a part of thePrestel system, and has been in operation for only a little morethan a year, but already Micro- net claim up to a quarter of the'accesses' totted up by the hugedatabase, around 3 1/2 million  in January. Not bad for a minor-"
   1 "  Maybe you're not interested inthis subject, but you should be.If the people who supply your   software don't make money, they will stop supplying (the reason there is is so little good edu- cational software is that teach-ers think copying is alright)."
   1 "  Mailbox is free now but may becharged for later. Users who re-gister for it can also send Tel-ex messages from Prestel, but   these do cost."'"  Most charges on Prestel can beavoided, as you can have a great"
   1 "  In fact you can get wonderful-ly lost. Adventure lovers will  be in their element. A few key- strokes could find you on the   page where Pan-Am don't print   the un-printable jokes, or alt- ernatively with MICROMOUSE, key 'S', who is a gossipy 'Speccy'"
   1 "  However, none of this has any impact on the main offenders,   those individuals who make a    copy or two for friends, and whoare not worth prosecuting, even if their activities are jointly much more damaging than the workof the commercial pirates."
   1 "  Hardware based protection, by which software is supplied on   media which is difficult to copysuch as ROM cartridge, founders on cost. Well protected but ex- pensive software has been the   bane of the Atari, and the lack"
   1 "  But no, my local Smith's 'had the cartridges on order, should be one or two weeks.' Ah ha ha  ha ha, I didn't have the heart  to tell him."'"  When the QL arrives, it is    supposed to have four blank mic-rocarts with it. Take good care of them, and remain patient!"
   1 "  Anyone who still believes thatcopyright does not apply to pro-grams merely because they were  not specifically mentioned in   the relevant acts of Parliament had best take warning from the  recent arrests in which the"
   1 "  Anyhow, as a guest on the 'netI didn't download any pricey    progs, only some free ones, and I was pleasantly surprised. Morestuff is being added here daily,especially for the Spectrum. It might appeal more to people who don't get sent review software.": 
   1 "      CONTENTS - SIDE TWO"
   1 "      CONTENTS - SIDE ONE"
   1 "       by Chris Morrison"
   1  unofficial kind. We are  reproducing one of his more in- nocent
   1  to save   your ski's.You must complete 30 gates 
   1  send in news stories of their own. I    check the news pages daily, of- ten reading about a new product launched days b
   1  APS LTD 11111000000  1 GOLDEN SQUARE LONDON W1R 3AB         TEL. 01-437 0626              EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON  "
   1  11111000000 APS"
   1   RIGHT=P 
   1                      "legislation, and hence void. Theconsumer laws on conditions of  sale are quite different from   those governing business con-   tracts. Software publishers mustaccept libraries, just as book  and music publishers have done."
   1                            BAD LUCK":